Advocacy, Education and Public Enlightenment, Community /Social Mobilization
- Participatory Rural Appraisal/Action, Project management, Capacity building
- Research & Documentation and Community Needs Assessment , Service Delivery
- Training, capacity building, networking/collaboration, Fund Raising, Vocational Skill Training
Past Experiences/Activities
- Media Programs
- 2019, 2015 Election Observation
- Care and support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, Disables
- Community Needs Assessment
- Conducted Community Led Total Sanitation
- Youth Leadership Training through NAVC
- Social Mobilization on Malaria/TB Prevention
- Marking of World Anti-Corruption Day/Anti-Corruption Sensitization Workshops
- Sensitization Workshop/Voters Education/Orientation for Election Observers
- Emerging Leaders and Emerging Society Platform
- Monthly Environmental Sanitation
- Advocacy Meeting with Stakeholders, Peace and Conflict Prevention
- Monitoring of 2010 LGA Election, 2011 National Election, 2013 LGA Election in Ebonyi
- HIV Prevention Intervention using MPPI Strategies / Social Mobilization on Malaria
- Rapid Diagnosis Test (RDT) outreaches on Malaria
- Facilitating Awareness and Inter-religious Responses on Public Health Concerns (FAIR-PHC)
- Grassroots Advocates Integrating Nigerian Youths (GAIN-Youths)
- Promoting Accountable Governance and Improved Service Delivery through Political Parties-CSOs-Media Alliance Using OGP Platform in Ebonyi State with Support from International Republic Institute (IRI)
- Mobilizing, Organising and Educating stakeholders for Credible, Peaceful and Participatory 2019 Elections in Ebonyi State with support from Nigeria Civil Society Situation Room DFID Grant
- Coordination of CSOs INEC Door to Door Sensitization Voter Education Outreaches in Ebonyi State
- Monitoring of National Social Investment Program (N-Power, Home grown school feeding, etc) with support from PDA/ActionAid
- Intensive Advocacy and Mobilisation for sustainable Immunisation Financing in Nigeria (IAMSIFiN) Supported by WAVA
- Community Enterprises Enhancement & Economic Development (CEED)
- Corporate Partnership Against Corruption (CPAC)
- Sustainable Food Project (SFP)
- Integrated Malaria/HIV/AID Prevention Project (IMHP)
- Leadership Enhancement Advancing Democracy (LEAD) Ebonyi
- Comprehensive Care & Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children
- Academic Integrity Project
- Sustainable Environment Project
- Youth Integrity Marshals
USAID State2State is funding DIG Foundation on project titled “Promoting Principles of Co-creation, Civic Participation & Monitoring for Accountable Governance & Improved Service Delivery in Ebonyi State” 12 Months project
UNODC is funding DIG Foundation on project titled ” Intensive Advocacy & Mobilization for Drug Free Action (IAM4DFA) in Nigeria
USAID IHP is funding DIG Foundation on Advocacy and Accountability Grant for six months
KAICIID currently supporting on a project titled Facilitating Awareness and Inter-religious Responses on Public Health Concerns (FAIR-PHC)” and “Grassroots Advocates Integrating Nigerian Youths (GAIN-Youths) aimed at Countering Hate Speeches and promoting Peace.
International Republic Institute (IRI) supported DIG Foundation on a project titled “Promoting Accountable Governance and Improved Service Delivery through Political Parties-CSOs-Media Alliance Using OGP Platform in Ebonyi State” Focussing on Health, Education and WASH Sectors.
Nigerian Civil Society Situation Room coordinated by PLAC: Supported our 2019 Election without Tension Project with DFID Fund. Monitoring of testing of INEC Card Reader in Ebonyi State and partnered for 2015 General elections. We have worked with PLAC/SR 2015 till date.
Participatory Development Alternative (PDA)/Action Aid, partnered for the Third Party Monitoring of National Social Investment Program (N-SIP), including Home Grown School Feeding, N-Power/Conditional Cash Transfer etc DIG Covered Afikpo South LGA, Ebonyi State.
Enough is Enough Nigeria: EiE is supporting our Office of the Citizens Radio Program.
Women Advocates for Vaccine Access (WAVA)/International Vaccine Access Centre (IVAC): DIG is currently implementing a small grant project titled Intensive Advocacy and Mobilization for Sustainable Immunization Financing in Nigeria with support from WAVA/IVAC and being implemented across the 5 South East State. This partner will assist in tracking health budget. We have worked with WAVA since 2016 till date.
Youth Initiative for Advocacy, Growth and Advancement (YIAGA): Helped in research, Constituency Needs Assessment under OSIWA Young Legislator Accountability project, help mobilized domestic Observers for 2015 general Election in Ebonyi State, NotTooYoungToRun Campaign etc we have worked with YIAGA Since 2014 till date.
Centre for Democracy and Development: Help mobilized domestic Observers for 2015 general Election in Ebonyi State and conducted the 12 months Assessment of President Buhari Administration under the BUHARI METTER Project, Observed Continuous Voters Registration. We have worked with CDD since 2015 till date.
Neighborhood Environment Watch Foundation: Help in organizing Town hall meetings on corruption and on issues of Environment and Budget Process. We have worked with NEW Foundation since 2011 till date.
Citizens Centre for Integrated Development & Social Rights: Help in administering questionnaire on Research on Elected Officials Performances Governors, Senators, LGA Chairmen, House of Rep and state Houses of Assembly members from 2011 to 2015, We have worked with CCIDESOR Since 2015 till date.
African Centre for Leadership, Strategy and Development: Partner with them in mobilizing Ebonyi for strengthening civic advocacy and engagement for effective natural resources governance in Nigeria. We have worked with Centre LSD since 2016 till date.
Coalition of Eastern NGOs (CENGOS): conducted research on Sexual and reproductive health information for young people, worked with CENGOS since 2016 till date.
Climate & Sustainable Development Network of Nigeria (CSDEVNET) and Action2015Nigeria: Mark international Youth days and Finance our future campaign etc work with CSDevNet since 2015 till date.